Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prayers & Positive Vibes

I am excited to announce that the transfer has been scheduled for this Friday the 14th, at 10:30 AM. I received a text from Linda, the nurse at the clinic confirming the time and instructions for the transfer. Linda also informed me that the embryos are doing terrific!

I was instructed to arrive at the clinic thirty minutes before the scheduled transfer time. I will be given a Valium which will help relax my uterus and prevent cramping during the procedure. The actual procedure doesn't typically last longer than 15 minutes, once it's over I will need to lay flat for one hour at the clinic.

Once I get home I get to lay in bed for the next two days and RELAX!! Sounds like a dream come true! My in-laws have graciously offered to take my boys for the weekend so I can rest.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. After our last transfer experience I think we are all a little scared and nervous. The daddies want their baby, and I want to be able to give them that baby. Aside from feeling nervous each of us (Emilio & Sergio, my husband, and myself) all have good feelings about this one.

Please send all your prayers, thoughts, and positive vibes our direction for Friday and for the next couple of weeks. We all prepared for our our nerves to be a little on edge.

Again, thank you for all your continued love & support to us throughout this journey. We love you all! I will keep you all posted. Check back for updates in the next couple of days. I'll do my best to keep everyone updated on what is going on.