Sunday, March 1, 2015

Long Awaited Update

Hi everyone! It's been so long since I have posted an update, that I am sure some of my most dedicated blog readers have given up on me. But here I am!! A lot has happened in the past several weeks that I am very excited to share with all of you.

I had an ultrasound on December 29th. Both babies looked fantastic, each measuring about an inch long, and their heartbeats were both good and strong. It was a bittersweet day that day, because I had officially graduated from the fertility clinic, The staff at the clinic started to really feel like family and I am going to miss them all dearly. This meant that I was clear to start seeing my regular OB doctor for the remainder of my pregnancy. The time also had come to start weaning myself off all the medications I was currently taking. This was a happy moment not only for me, but for my rock star husband who had been faithfully giving me injections for the past 5 months. Over the next few weeks I slowly decreased the amount of medication and eventually I was all done! Woohoo!!


Baby bump at 9 weeks! 

My next appointment was on January 13th. I had made it to the 11th week mark!  This was my first appointment with the same doctor who delivered my two boys. It was your typical first prenatal doctor appointment. I was able to ask some questions that Emilio & Sergio had requested that I ask the doctor. Best part of the appointment was we got to see the babies again via ultrasound. This ultrasound was incredible. It was so awesome to see both babies and how much they have grown and how much they were moving. Baby A definitely seems to be the more active of the two babies. The second the ultrasound tech would put the probe on my belly, that baby would start flipping and moving around. Baby B is the more relaxed baby. We definitely saw movement, but not like his or her brother or sister. Their little personalities are already developing, such an incredible thing to witness!

Baby bump at 11 weeks! 

January 24th, was a really exciting day for me! I was getting a massage and as I was lying on my stomach, I felt something that felt like a beating pulse. I knew it wasn't my actual pulse because it wasn't consistent with my pulse. I laid there for a minute then I felt it again! I knew at that moment what I was feeling was these little babies moving around in my belly. It was amazing! I could not wait to share that moment with the daddies. Since that night, I feel the babies move all the time! These days their movements are much more noticeable and I feel them more often.

Baby bump at 13 weeks! 

Received this fun picture of Sergio, shortly after we read the baby's were the size of a lime that week. 

My next appointment was on February 4th. We were at the 14th week mark! This time they weighed me for the first time. I had officially gained 8 pounds, At first that was a little difficult for me to accept, but then I quickly realized I have not one, but two little babies in my belly, who are growing everyday. Weight gain was going to happen and I was going to have to deal with it. The doctor attempted to listen to their heartbeats with the doppler but he was having a difficult time getting the doppler to work correctly. He decided it would be best to go in for another ultrasound. I have to admit I was a little excited the doppler didn't work, I was looking forward to seeing the babies again. Both babies looked great, both growing right on schedule, and their heart beats were both strong. As usual Baby A was flipping around, doing somersaults, And Baby B was just hanging out, occasionally moving and kicking his or her legs when it felt like it. I fall more and more in love with these babies everyday. I cannot wait for them to join this world and finally meet their amazing parents!

Baby bump at 15 weeks! 

Baby bump at 16 weeks! Surrobabies first trip to the Boise Zoo :) 

My most recent trip to the doctors office was last Wednesday, February 25th. I was up another two pounds on the scale, but I was actually pleasantly surprised, considering how crazy intense my appetite has been. We were able to hear each baby's heart beat on the doppler, which was incredible! My husband was able to get the heart beats on video so we could send it to Emilio and Sergio. They were thrilled! My next appointment is scheduled for March 18th! This will be a BIG day for all of us!! We will be having the 20 week ultrasound, which is estimated to last two hours! The ultrasound will look at each baby in great detail, and we will even get to find out if the baby's are boys, girls, or one of each! Stay tuned that will be such an exciting day for the daddies!

As of today, I am definitely starting to feel pregnant! I swear I am getting bigger by the day. I have recently noticed bending over to put my socks on, or tie my shoes is becoming a bit of a challenge. Both babies like to move a lot, which always makes my heart happy! I am enjoying every second of this pregnancy! And I feel truly blessed to be apart of this amazing journey! 

Goodbye feet! Nice knowing you.

Baby bump at 17 weeks! 

Thank you all for your continued love and support! I am vowing right now to be more consistent with my updates. Love to you all!!